
In our official catalog Comitronic-BTI you can buy Comitronic-BTI AWAX 26XXL EEX3 or choose any other Comitronic products you are interested in with worldwide delivery and official guarantee. Comitronic-BTI AWAX 26XXL EEX3 is manufactured in France at the Comitronic-BTI factory. Its quality is ensured by ISO 9001: 2008 certification, and the warranty is 12 months from the date of purchase. To find out the price and delivery time, use the order form and we guarantee a response within 24 hours!Sensor controller in ATEXAtex safetyATEX standardsEN 60079-0EN 60079-11EN 60079-25EN 60079-26ATEX marking[Ex ia] IIC Ga[Ex ia] IIIC DaII(1)GDPerformance level with AWAX controller: PL = e in accordance with ISO 13849-1Safety category: 4 in accordance with ISO 13849-1Non-contractual photoTime before dangerous failure: MTTFd = 120 yearsCycle before dangerous failure: B10d=100,000 at 5ARisk duration: 20 ms max.Cable severing protection: yes (opening of safety lines)Short-circuit protection and overload protection: yes (system shutdown). Requires return to a service workshop for a total control and troubleshooting.Safety contacts/diagnostics: 3x NO 8A/250V redundant / 1x NF 8A/250V redundant parallel Indicators: 3 LEDsReset: configurable by dip-switch (SR=Automatic, N=manual)Mounting: symmetrical DIN 35mm rail on DIN 50022Mounting: IP 54 electrical boxElectrical connection: Maximum 14 AWG (2.08 mm?) / 250V minimumTemperature: -20°C to +40°C.Certification: INERIS 06ATEX0007X''