
In our official catalog Comitronic-BTI you can buy Comitronic-BTI Z-4TC-D or choose any other Comitronic products you are interested in with worldwide delivery and official guarantee. Comitronic-BTI Z-4TC-D is manufactured in France at the Comitronic-BTI factory. Its quality is ensured by ISO 9001: 2008 certification, and the warranty is 12 months from the date of purchase. To find out the price and delivery time, use the order form and we guarantee a response within 24 hours!Thermocouples A/D converterZ-4TC-D allows to acquire up to N.4 Thermocouple sensors (J, K, E, N, S, R ,B ,T) through a PLC with only digital input/output. The PLC interface is based on three PNP-type signals suited for connection to most PLCs available in the market. The interface is composed of a CLOCK signal generated by the PLC (transistor output), a DATA signal and STROBE signal generated by the module.''