
In our official catalog Comitronic-BTI you can buy Comitronic-BTI Z107 or choose any other Comitronic products you are interested in with worldwide delivery and official guarantee. Comitronic-BTI Z107 is manufactured in France at the Comitronic-BTI factory. Its quality is ensured by ISO 9001: 2008 certification, and the warranty is 12 months from the date of purchase. To find out the price and delivery time, use the order form and we guarantee a response within 24 hours!DIN rail RS232 - RS485/422 serial converterZ107 allows a transparent conversion and isolation of RS485/RS422 serial line into RS232 and viceversa.The RS232 connection is available both on terminals and RJ10 connector. As well the RS485 connection is available both on terminals and back side connector.''