
In our official catalog Comitronic-BTI you can buy Comitronic-BTI GSM/GPRS datalogger with built-in IOs and telecontrol functions or choose any other Comitronic products you are interested in with worldwide delivery and official guarantee. Comitronic-BTI GSM/GPRS datalogger with built-in IOs and telecontrol functions is manufactured in France at the Comitronic-BTI factory. Its quality is ensured by ISO 9001: 2008 certification, and the warranty is 12 months from the date of purchase. To find out the price and delivery time, use the order form and we guarantee a response within 24 hours!Z-GPRS2 is a GSM / GPRS, multi-protocol wireless unit, with built-in I/O's for high-performance data acquisition, datalogging, commands, measurements and alarms managemente. Applications range include: photovoltaic building automation, M2M telemetry communication. It works stand-alone or networked. Z-GPRS2 operate as Master Modbus unit on RS485 serial ports and GSM/GPRS communication support.''