
In our official catalog Comitronic-BTI you can buy Comitronic-BTI Z-PASS2-B Z-PASS2 or choose any other Comitronic products you are interested in with worldwide delivery and official guarantee. Comitronic-BTI Z-PASS2-B Z-PASS2 is manufactured in France at the Comitronic-BTI factory. Its quality is ensured by ISO 9001: 2008 certification, and the warranty is 12 months from the date of purchase. To find out the price and delivery time, use the order form and we guarantee a response within 24 hours!Industrial Bridge/Gateway - Serial Device Server with VPN support and 3G+ modem routerZ-PASS1 and Z-PASS2 set a new standard for industrial networking. Both are multifunction devices: Gateway, Serial Device Server and Bbridge up to a maximum of 32 clients with the ability to manage LAN to LAN and M2M connections via VPN technology without the need of static IP address SIM card. The modules can be configured and updated locally or remotely via web server. In addition, Z-PASS2 with its 3G+/Ethernet router grants a redundancy connection (LAN or 3G+) and access point for remote management with local IP. The router includes only one SMA socket antenna. The second SMA socket named DIV is used to install an auxiliary antenna improving the reception signal (see accessories).''